Thursday, July 8, 2010

Jake is 6 months old!

Jake turned 6 months on July 7th. One of my friends told me that your second baby's milestones sneak up on you quickly, and she was exactly right. I can't believe our little guy is 6 months. At his checkup, Jake weighed 19 lbs. 5 oz. so he is not missing many meals. He was such a trooper during his shots and only cried for a few minutes. Of course, big sister, Ava, was in the room and kept telling him to "Chillax Jake." What would he do without her? :)

I would post some sweet pictures of my little man at his six month b'day. However, we have a new laptop, and we haven't transferred all of our pictures over to it. I'm sure we'll figure it out soon.


  1. Cannot believe that he is 6 months old!!! They really do grow up to fast!!

  2. Ava is so funny! And yes, I've been trying to order pictures for my 2009 album (which I haven't started yet), and I don't even remember Drew being that age. I'm glad I have videos because it's so weird how I forget so much more of Drew's baby stage, even though he was my second. It makes me kinda sad!

    We just got a new laptop too...I'm in the same boat as far as pictures go (although for now I still use our PC for things like that...we just haven't had time to switch pictures over either).
